ReaL Estate



Maximize your ROI! 

Let us place a billboard on your property and Avant Outdoor Advertising (AOA) will pay you a lump sum upfront for an easement.  Or we could be your next tenant paying you monthly rent.  With AOA your property will work for you.  Increase your bottom line and your property’s capitalization rate.  We also buy easements with existing billboards.  

AOA Structures

Permits to be obtained by AOA.  No maintenance and hassle-free structure.  If there is any maintenance or repair needed we will address it immediately.  Our structures meet or exceed the most rigid local and state engineering requirements.

Limited Ground Space

Our structures require very limited amounts of ground space.  We will minimize the ground space necessary to ensure that there will be no inconvenience to any ongoing business operations on the property.  The installation process will work around your schedule to minimize any disruption.

Supplemental Passive Income

You can realize a steady source of monthly passive income and maximize a return on your investment.  Also, you can potentially increase your property’s resale value by leasing it to AOA.

Rent Depends On

1. Type and size of sign
2. Traffic count
3. Sign visibility
4. Number of existing signs in the area
5. Advertisers demand for coverage in the area

ZERO Landlord Out-Of-Pocket Expenses

AOA will pick up the tab for ALL costs associated with the sign including planning, designing, permits, engineering, installation, illumination, electricity, maintenance and operation.

Your Best Tenant Ever

AOA has a stellar reputation in the industry and can provide references upon request.  Also, since the structure is maintenance free you will not even notice we are there.  All you have to do is cash our rent checks.

We’re Insured

AOA holds you, the property owner, harmless from any claims or damages for bodily injuries and physical property damage caused by our sign structures or employees. We maintain liability insurance to cover all losses for which we may be responsible.

Law Abiding

AOA is responsible for ensuring that our structures are fabricated and erected in compliance with local, state and federal regulations.

If You Own An Existing Billboard You Have Options

a) Sell us your billboard with an easement

b) Have us manage and operate the billboard in exchange you will receive the lion share of ad revenue

c) If you own the land, but the billboard is owned by a third party, sell us the billboard lease with an easement

Click the “Contact Us”  button below and either call or email us right now to get started making money!